Chinese medicine is unique in its totally different approach to treatment compared to western standards. Acupuncture and the treatment of acne show this perfectly.
Acupuncture and the Treatment of Acne
Acne is a general term given to several types of skin disorders that usually result from clogged pores. The most severe forms of the condition can lead to large and painful cysts that often leave scarring. Aside from this, the condition rarely poses any other health threat. Acne does cause a bit of a self esteem problem especially in younger people. Although the lesions often appear on the back and chest areas, the face is the most common area for acne outbreaks.
Western style medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine are in agreement that a healthy life style and good diet are helpful in the prevention of diet. There is, however, the common lack of depth in Western medicine when looking into the root causes of the problem. There are many cases where proper diet and healthy living are not enough to prevent outbreaks. Western style medicine sees certain causative factors such as stress and greasy makeup as contributing to acne outbreaks, but the focus is on the topical treatment of the pores themselves and not on the underlying factors.
Traditional Chinese medicine sees acne outbreaks as usual as a disharmony in the natural order of the body. Often the cause is seen to be the accumulation of heat. This damp heat rises from the organs and causes the blockage and subsequent eruptions of acne. Therefore, acupuncture treatments that target the causes of the heat accumulation can be effective in clearing up the condition and preventing its return. There are several acupuncture body points that are useful for cooling of the blood, and these are often the targets.
The acupuncture treatment is usually a long term process that addresses the chronic conditions. The treatments will often need to be repeated two or three times a week over a period of time to effect a complete reversal of the disharmony. In some cases, the condition has become so severe that steps are taken to address the more acute issues first. In these cases, the treatment regime will consist of diet restrictions and possibly even herbal supplements to the acupuncture sessions.
In very severe cases, the lesions themselves can be treated with acupuncture needles directly. There are two approaches to this that are used. One is to surround the lesion with small needles. This is a process known as “surrounding the dragon.” Another approach is more a process similar to lancing a cyst. A very small needle is inserted directly into the lesion until pus or blood appears. This process is very much a merger of Western treatment and acupuncture, but to the acupuncturist, it will only be useful when coupled with the long term treatments that address the underlying causes.
By Alien
Alien writes for herbal remedies. He also writes for nature cures and home remedies
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Acupuncture and the Treatment of Acne
Acne is a general term given to several types of skin disorders that usually result from clogged pores. The most severe forms of the condition can lead to large and painful cysts that often leave scarring. Aside from this, the condition rarely poses any other health threat. Acne does cause a bit of a self esteem problem especially in younger people. Although the lesions often appear on the back and chest areas, the face is the most common area for acne outbreaks.
Western style medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine are in agreement that a healthy life style and good diet are helpful in the prevention of diet. There is, however, the common lack of depth in Western medicine when looking into the root causes of the problem. There are many cases where proper diet and healthy living are not enough to prevent outbreaks. Western style medicine sees certain causative factors such as stress and greasy makeup as contributing to acne outbreaks, but the focus is on the topical treatment of the pores themselves and not on the underlying factors.
Traditional Chinese medicine sees acne outbreaks as usual as a disharmony in the natural order of the body. Often the cause is seen to be the accumulation of heat. This damp heat rises from the organs and causes the blockage and subsequent eruptions of acne. Therefore, acupuncture treatments that target the causes of the heat accumulation can be effective in clearing up the condition and preventing its return. There are several acupuncture body points that are useful for cooling of the blood, and these are often the targets.
The acupuncture treatment is usually a long term process that addresses the chronic conditions. The treatments will often need to be repeated two or three times a week over a period of time to effect a complete reversal of the disharmony. In some cases, the condition has become so severe that steps are taken to address the more acute issues first. In these cases, the treatment regime will consist of diet restrictions and possibly even herbal supplements to the acupuncture sessions.
In very severe cases, the lesions themselves can be treated with acupuncture needles directly. There are two approaches to this that are used. One is to surround the lesion with small needles. This is a process known as “surrounding the dragon.” Another approach is more a process similar to lancing a cyst. A very small needle is inserted directly into the lesion until pus or blood appears. This process is very much a merger of Western treatment and acupuncture, but to the acupuncturist, it will only be useful when coupled with the long term treatments that address the underlying causes.
By Alien
Alien writes for herbal remedies. He also writes for nature cures and home remedies
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is it costly to get the treatment done? how much is the total cost?
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Many people believe that acne is part of growing up. When your mother sees you worried about acne, she will say this is part of being a teenager. However, if you are adult experiencing acne, and testing tons of acne treatments, then you will know there is problem. It is true that acne is a problem because people dread having it. However, because acne has been around so long, science already have an answer to this problem. Acne treatment products are now widely available. Therefore, you do not need to experience feeling of self-pity if you see acne in your face, acne treatment products will help you get rid of them.
There is an zit questionnaire that is helpful in diagnosing your problem and recommending a solution.
I hope that this proves to be helpful. I think we've all been through it to some extent.
Many people feel that their acne is overly embarrassing and unmanageable. I have read story after story of heartache, especially from teens that endure heartless bullying from schoolmates. There are so many different remedies and medications. What most people fail to realise is that each individual has a different biological makeup and what works for one person may not work for everyone. In some cases certain acne treatment can adversely affect already irritated skin. This further causes unnecessary embarrassment and frustration to an already uncomfortable situation. Propaganda fuels misconceptions about different so-called remedies and even causes. The idea that chocolate and oily food causes acne is unfounded. When in truth, makeup, unhealthy skin and even perspiration can cause acne. All of these factors affect the skin. But even your skin makeup can affect your skin and create back acne, scalp acne, large assesses or ingrown hair. There is an acne treatment questionnaire (just navigate to it on the right hand side) done by a company called SkinMed that will help to diagnose acne problems through a series of questions, and then it recommends the best acne treatment for each individual. Teen acne is typically the most difficult to diagnose because of hormonal considerations, but there is a special area meant just for teen acne that has a completely different set of rules when running the formula that determines the best medications or treatments. In some cases simple changes in hygiene and daily washing is all that it takes. The site also has a free offer on an acne facial cleanser that is made up of a three step process. The primary reason most teens, especially boys tend to have more problems with chronic acne is because of a lack of simply washing their face regularly. So this treatment is free and is a way to create a healthy daily routine, while gently healing the skin to prevent acne scarring brought on as a result of squeezing the sores. Once daily cleaning is practiced, and hormonal issues are taken into consideration, a proper treatment regiment can be highly effective. At the end of the day most acne, even teen acne , can be eliminated quickly and permanently with the right motivation. After all, we all want to be beautiful don’t we?
Thanks For Reading - Burnface Rovers
I am SO desperate to know why I have acne. I had beautiful skin as a child, and then when I hit thirteen, I suddenly had appalling skin.
Treatment of Acne
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